The story of my work, involving graphic design for advertisement purposes and photography, unravels in 2010. This entire site is meant to not only tell you this story but show it to you! If “a picture is worth 1000 words”, I am sure something here will “speak out to you”, taking your imagination on a trip down the rabbit hole, which leads to discovering the potential value we can add to your brand, by working together. Give me a call and let’s see how we can create and implement the next chapter of the never-ending story of Your Brand.
My Portfolio
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Graphic Designer at LPS Academy l.t.d.
Junior Designer at MirexPublicitate in Tulcea
I've worked on ...
- Campaign concepts
- Pitching ideas
- Brand identity
- Brand design
- Websites & apps
- Digital materials
- Print materials
- Store set-ups
- Outdoor OOH
- Packaging design
- Other branding materials
- Product photography
- Event photography
- Commercial photo editing
- Photo processing
Let's work together!
Once uppon a time ...
My background
I have a background in economic studies and a childhood passion for computer-generated graphics. As a child, I used to collect magazines because the pictures were fascinating enough to get stuck in my mind. Therefore I developed a lifelong passion for images that “spoke out”.
In college, together with five of my colleagues, we started a student non-profit organization (NGO) aimed to organize events that promoted academic work. It was a success, as we managed to organize expositions, educational fairs, lectures, and even a summer school on behalf of various academic institutions and groups like ASE Bucuresti, Romanian-American University, and Iulia Hasdeu College.
This is where I understood and experienced the importance of branding and advertisement firsthand, as I was the one doing the posters and the promotional materials for our activity. Also, one of my responsibilities was to coordinate the volunteers, and thus, through direct experience, I have gained the skill of being empathetic towards people … because you cannot fire a volunteer!
Later on, after finishing college and trying out a dozen jobs in various industries over the course of a couple of years, I figured out that making a career choice might not be such a bad idea after all. Faced with such a big commitment I needed to make, I figured out that the best thing to do was to combine what I loved to do with whatever experience I had at the time. I have always had a creative personality and I could understand how a market works, consumer behavior, demand and supply, marketing impact, etc. I had a passion for visual communication, and I loved to sit and look at posters or commercials for hours on end.
As I did not have any art training, starting up in graphic design was a bit of a challenge at first. So I started to “catch up” by learning online and taking training courses from Total Training and The development of tools like the Adobe Creative Suite and the rapid adoption of this technology by the advertising industry created an opportunity for me to get in. I decided to take this opportunity full-time, back in 2011, when Romexpo S.A. gave me the chance to work on their entire portfolio of fairs and exhibitions. And this is how it all began for me…
The most important part of my evolution and development over the years as a professional graphic designer, art director, and photographer has been the people I have had the fortune of working with. I have met some truly remarkable professionals and wonderful human beings along the way, that have inspired, taught, and guided me on this path. My gratitude and respect go to people like Maria Grigorescu, Cezar Munteanu, Mihaela Vescu, Delia Boțan, Timmo Rammekjær, Luiza Pavel, Alex Neculae, Elisa Olteanu, Dan Beșliu and Bogdan Zop. Thank you for helping me to turn a dream into reality!
As my friend always says:
”Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Antonio SatîruActor, Illusionist, Video-Magician, After Effects-Wiz & Photographer
My personality
While there are hundreds of quizzes, tests, and questionnaires cluttering up social media feeds and google results pages, none are as accurate or beneficial as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test.
The MBTI test distills the collective population into 16 personality types. Breaking down personality types into an extrovert (E) or introvert (I), sensor (S) or intuitive (I), thinker (T) or feeler (F), and judger (J) or perceiver (P), the Myers Briggs test assigns each personality type a 4-letter acronym. With it comes a personality description and how that personality behaves in families, friendships, and the workplace.
Unsurprisingly, the MBTI test has been used by businesses and professionals for decades to decide if a candidate is right for a position. In fact, roughly 80% of Fortune 500 companies use the test to vet potential employees.
You can check out my results over time and thus track my personality’s evolution to the present moment. I’ve started taking the test with some regularity, back in 2017, and the last update was on the 9th of April 2021.
Also, you can learn more about my personality type and others by visiting the site and reading about the various types of personalities we have. And I highly recommend you take the personality test yourself. It’s free and it’s a perspective-shifting experience. It will turn out to be very beneficial time spent, I assure you:
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